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Press Release on Annual Bilateral Meeting between the National Bank of Cambodia and the Bank of the Lao P.D.R Vientiane, 11-13 December 2014

On December 11-13, 2014, the Delegates of the National Bank of Cambodia, led by H.E. CHEA CHANTO, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia and delegates of the Bank of Laos PDR led by H.E Somphao Phaysith, Governor of the Bank of Laos PDR, conducted the Annual Bilateral meeting in Vientiane, Lao PDR. This bilateral meeting has been held since 2010 with the aims to strengthen friendship and traditional cooperation between the National Bank of Cambodia and the Bank of Laos PDR as well as the people of both countries.
        Both delegations have insightfully discussed and exchanged views on development, challenges and solutions towards recent economic evolution and bank supervision of the two central banks. Moreover, the meeting also sought for possibility to further enhance the cooperation via sharing knowledge and experiences on various matters for the mutual benefit of the two central banks in the future.
        Both central banks congratulated each respective country on the remarkable progresses of economic and banking sectors, and noticed the gradual improvement of the bilateral cooperation in the past, particularly this year. Both central banks also committed to deepen and expand the bilateral cooperation so as to contribute to macroeconomic stability and development of banking sector as well as to mutually benefit people of the two nations.

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