Overview of Payment Systems
The banking sector in Cambodia has rapidly developed over the last two decades. This requires an increasingly safe and efficient payment system to facilitate the fast circulation of money among economic agents. Safe and efficient payment systems are critical to the effective functioning of the financial system and to the economy as a whole.

A well-functioning payment system enhances the stability of the financial system, lowering transaction costs in the economy, promotes the efficient use of financial resources, and improves financial market liquidity. Most importantly, payment systems are considered the main infrastructure to facilitate the conduct of monetary policies by the central bank.

The central bank can use the system to speed up the flow of money in the interbank market and predict the amount of liquidity in the banking system so that the appropriate policies can be adopted. Moreover, the central bank can also use the payment system policy as a tool to promote the use of local currency. Therefore, there is a strong public interest in the promotion of safety and the improvement of efficiency in payment systems. The modernization of the payment system has thus been high on the agenda of Cambodia's economic development.

Furthermore, to support Cambodia into the integration of the ASEAN Economic Community, the development of a payment system, especially an electronic payment system is vital. Successful integration will depend on fostering a safe and efficient payment and settlement system in the region that will enable cross-border electronic payments accessible to businesses and individuals with greater convenience and dependability. As a consequence, electronic payments will play a crucial role to promote the use of non-cash payments in the economy, financial inclusion, and the ASEAN integration.