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H.E. Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, receives Mr. Kenichiro Kashiwase, the new IMF Mission Chief to Cambodia, for a courtesy call and discussion.

H.E. Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, receives Mr. Kenichiro Kashiwase, new IMF Mission Chief to Cambodia, for a courtesy call and discussion at the NBC, Wat Phnom, on Tuesday afternoon, June 11, 2024. 
H.E. Dr. Governor warmly welcomed Mr. Kenichiro and briefed him on the macroeconomic progress and the banking sector in Cambodia, as well as activities to promote the use of the riel. In addition, H.E. Dr. Governor also mentioned the good cooperation between the NBC and the IMF, as well as Japan. On that occasion, Mr. Kenichiro informed H.E. Dr. Governor about the visit planned for the Article IV Consultation to Cambodia in the future and expressed support for the efforts of the NBC in organizing the Macroeconomic Conference every year. 
H.E. Dr. Governor also thanked the IMF and the Government of Japan for their contribution to the peacekeeping operation and for providing assistance for economic and human resource development in Cambodia, especially through the transfer of technical assistance as well as training capacity for professional officers of the NBC.