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H.E. Ouk Maly, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia attended Private Sector Engagement sub-committee meeting on COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program- CARES via virtual platform

On Wednesday, 17 March 2021, H.E. Ouk Maly, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia attended Private Sector Engagement sub-committee meeting on COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program- CARES via virtual platform. This meeting was co-organized by Ministry of Economy and Finance and Asian Development Bank to provide a platform for monitoring and sharing any challenges encountered in the implementation of this program. The CARES program is an agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and ADF comprising of a $250 million concessional loan and a linked package of technical assistance that includes advisory support through the regional Policy Advice for COVID-19 Economic Recovery (PACER) technical assistance program. The program is organized around three pillars: i) health measures to combat the spread of COVID-19; ii) social assistance to prevent increased poverty and deprivation; and iii) support for economic recovery.