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H.E. Neav Chanthana, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, met with delegates of the board of director of CIMB Bank PLC

On 29 November 2019, Delegates of the board of director of CIMB Bank PLC, led by Datuk Mohd Nasir Bin Ahmad have been given opportunity to cordially meet with H.E. Neav Chanthana, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia to briefly report the performance of the bank and its future business plan. In the meeting, Datuk Mohd Nasir Bin Ahmad has sincerely thanked the NBC for the support and has committed to further improving the performance of the bank so as to contribute to the development of a safe and sound banking system and to the achievement of economic growth. H.E. Deputy Governor has congratulated and appreciated the efforts and strong commitment of the bank for the achievements and has requested the bank to contribute to further development of financial inclusion by providing access to financial services for the rural people and especially women.