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Her Excellency Chea Serey, Director General of Central Banking of the National Bank of Cambodia attended the National Conference in Public sector in Digital Era at Royal School of Administration.

On 4 March, 2019, Her Excellency Chea Serey, Director General of Central Banking of the National Bank of Cambodia attended the National Conference in Public sector in Digital Era at Royal School of Administration. This conference co-organized by Ministry of Civil Service, in close collaboration with UNDP Cambodia. The purposes of this conference are to i/- showcase the successful case practices in public sectors in the region and around the world, ii/- explore the feasibility of modern service delivery through systematic changes and active participation from relevant stakeholders, and iii/- collect inputs among civil servants and relevant stakeholders for forward looking planning. On that occasion, Her Excellency CHEA Serey attended as a Panelist on the topic of “Making Policy-making more effective and relevant: Experimentation in Public Policy Space”. In this regard, Her Excellency delivered a presentation about the National Bank of Cambodia’s experiences in implementing a number of regulations in order to benefit from new technology and prevent possible risks. Those include the experiences in the implementation of regulations governing credit data system which are regarded as the best practices for developing countries, and the introduction of the payment system regulations in Cambodia that are now rapidly developing and facilitating both public and private payment processes.