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H.E. Neav Chanthana, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, meets with the IMF 2018 Article IV Mission Team

On 19th September 2018, H.E. Neav Chanthana, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, welcomed the IMF Article IV Mission Team led by Dr. Markus Rodlauer, Deputy Director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department (APD), paying a visit to Cambodia from 19th September to 2nd October 2018 for the purpose of conducting annual consultation and assessment of Cambodia’s economic and financial development. Her Excellency addressed to the IMF Mission Team about recent macroeconomic and banking sector development coupled with external risks to the Cambodian economy, especially the trade war and the global financial tightening condition. Taking this opportunity, Her Excellency also expressed her sincere thanks to the IMF for previous technical assistance and the need of further technical assistance​​​​ in the upcoming future.