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H.E. CHEA SEREY, Assistant Governor and Director General of the National Bank of Cambodia, met with the representatives of the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and the Cambodian Microfinance Association (CMA)

On June 28th, 2018, H.E. CHEA SEREY, Assistant Governor and Director General of the National Bank of Cambodia, met with the representatives of the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and the Cambodian Microfinance Association (CMA) to discuss issues related to human resource development in Cambodia such as i/- Governing structure of Institution of Banking and Finance (IBF) ii/- Industry-wide competency framework iii/- Compulsory Certification and iv/- Development fund. This reflects collective efforts of NBC, ABC and CMA to boost capacity building in banking sector and cooperation between NBC as regulator and private sector in banking sector.