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H.E CHEA Serey, Director General of Central Banking, delivered an opening remark for the SWIFT Customer Security Program

H.E CHEA Serey, Director General of Central Banking, on Wednesday July 5th, 2017, delivered an opening remark for the SWIFT Customer Security Program Roadshow for banking and financial institutions which is co-hosted by the National Bank of Cambodia and SWIFT. The seminar aims at sharing the Customer Security Framework, Security Controls Review, and other relevant topic areas. H.E CHEA Serey expressed that it is important to pay attention to cybersecurity for three reasons – first, cybersecurity is a corporate responsibility. No business is too small to be hacked and used in cyber-attacks. Second, cyber threats are an enterprise risk that can incur operational and reputational costs. Third, cyber-attacks can have a reputational risk for country. It is worth noting that cybersecurity has become an increasingly important topic for financial industry worldwide in the wake of the numerous incidents over the past year.