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NBC-FSI Connect

The NBC-FSI Connect is an online training course for banking supervisors, which was initiated by H.E. Chea Chanto, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia. Functioning as an add-on to the existing internal training, this online course aims at capacity building of human resources in the central bank, especially the specialization of banking supervision in response to the fast development of international standards and financial architecture. This approximate three-year online course is divided into three different levels: fundamental, intermediate, and advanced. In June, 2016, the National Bank of Cambodia has kindly subscribed to the course for 200 of her staff and so far has been subsequently conducting official exams for those participants.

So as to ensure the qualification, an internal Committee has been created to manage the course with the strong support from NBC management. Participants are required to sit their exams in front of the management, particularly under the direct control of H.E. Governor, after each module’s completion until the end of the course.

It is worth noting that the FSI Connect is a course established by the Financial Stability Institute of the Bank for International Settlement, whose headquarter is in Switzerland. Currently more than 300 central banks and financial institutions around the world have subscribed to this online course in order to strengthen the supervisory capacity of their staff; thus, the number of participants in this course has now reached more than 10,000 people.