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H.E. Rath Sovannorak, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, co-chairs the 10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the IMF’s Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT)

H.E. Rath Sovannorak, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, co-chairs the 10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the IMF’s Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT) on June 17, 2024 in Siem Reap. 
The meeting was held to review the annual performance, especially the progress of the implementation of technical assistance projects of member countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and seven other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and to set the direction of CDOT. As a result, the meeting highly appreciated the effectiveness of CDOT’s technical assistance, which continued to contribute to capacity building of relevant officials and institutions, including the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The meeting also highlighted the success case study of Cambodia, which is currently the largest recipient of technical assistance in the region, as a model for other member countries to effectively implement technical projects. Through this success, the capacity of professional officers and institutions has been continuously strengthened, which has contributed to improving the ability to formulate policies in line with socio-economic developments. 

The meeting also agreed to strenghthen the CDOT Capacity Building Program in line with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV Mission and Monitoring and Assessment. In this sense, capacity building must be flexible and innovative to the needs of member countries. On that occasion, H.E. Deputy Governor also thanked CDOT for developing the capacity of the National Bank of Cambodia's staff as well as contributing to the development of a strong and sustainable banking sector in Cambodia. It should also be noted that CDOT is currently providing technical assistance to the National Bank of Cambodia on three projects, including: i / - Strengthening the compilation statistics of foreign sector ii / - Currency and exchange rate operations and iii / - Development of Cambodia's macroeconomic framework.